The Wedding Guest Dress Code

Hello, Ladies!

This is the prime Season for weddings and love is most definitely in the air! As a wedding guest, we know finding the perfect look can be stressful, especially when your calendar is booked with several ceremonies! And we are big believers in re-wears, but with the thought of endless selfies and group pictures, we may want to invest in a few different outfits. When shopping for your ideal ceremony outfit, be sure to remember these tips:

Tip #1 - Avoid White. This one is definitely a given. We've heard it over and over again. After all, it's the bride's day and we are not about to steal the attention from the blushing bride! There are always exceptions, but to be safe, avoid avoid avoid. 

Tip #2 - Stay away from distracting colors. We know it's hard to stray from the Summer neon colors and vibrant prints, but keep these lovely pieces in your closet until after the ceremony! Weddings are full of photos and the last thing you want is to be the person who ruined the photos with your overbearing color and prints.  

Tip # 3 - When in doubt, overdress. We always tell our customers it's best to be the one who is overdressed! After all, a dress that is formal is more forgivable than a pair of jeans.  

Tip # 4 - Respectful fits. Be mindful and respectful when it comes to showing off your wedding guest style. Showing off your figure and feeling confident is great and all, but save that form-fitting, short hemline, and deep v-neck for ladies' night out! There's always a time and place to strut your stuff, but the wedding ceremony isn't it! 

Tip # 5 - Don't fret the little black dress. Despite what you've been told, it's perfectly acceptable to wear black to a wedding! In fact, it's classy, elegant, and preferred in some situations. No matter the formality of the ceremony your little black dress will never let you down. You will be perfectly dressed, in any circumstance. 

In the invitation, the ceremony can be distinguished as semi-formal, formal, beach formal, casual, black-tie and so on. Every wedding ceremony varies and each bride and groom have different expectations from their guests. That's why you must pay close attention to the invitation. Being able to decipher the wedding style, will help you in your hunt for the perfect ceremony outfit.

Lots of Love, 

Kassie - Store Manager 



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